Challenge#3: Usability Evaluation and Site Redesign

Marina Pizorno
4 min readDec 27, 2020


There is a saying in Spanish, “No hay dos sin tres” which means there aren’t two without three, so here I am with my third Ironhack Prework Challenge!

For this challenge I needed to jump into the shoes of a world traveler: research, evaluate, test and redesign.

Elder couple at the airport

Based on the mantra I’m not the user of the product I’m creating and evaluating, and in order to empathize with the user’s needs without interfering, I chose a target audience very different from my own: elder retired couple between 60 and 80 years old, looking for a tour or trip package to visit Río de Janeiro with some flexibility.

After browsing and comparing different apps using Usability Heuristics evaluation with Nielsen’s Principles (Kayak, Skyscanner, TripAdvisor and Hopper), I decided that KAYAK was the best option for my target audience; mostly because this platform is the only one with the option Flight + Hotel. TripAdvisor offers this feature as well but none of the searches I have made there, gave any results.

Evaluated apps

The benchmarking being done, it was time to interview the users. I did the “5 seconds test” with the 3 persons I have interviewed and then asked them to complete 2 tasks I had designed for them:

  • Find a flight + hotel package from Barcelona to Rio de Janeiro from February 1st to the 7th with flexible dates, for 2 adults.
  • Filter the result:
    - 3 stars hotel or more
    - Breakfast included
    - Airport shuttle to/from the hotel

As opposed to what this report says (i.e: OTAs obtain the majority of mobile reservations and participation in mobile devices and is expected to continue growing), all the people I interviewed confirmed that they prefer to purchase their trips via desktop.

When analyzing the sessions, I detected multiple friction points:

  • The title is too long or complex: 3/3 users searched the trip on the home page (car rental) without reading completely the title.
  • “Flight + hotel” option is difficult to find: 3/3 users tried to search flights and then hotel when realizing that they were searching for a car. After doing this, they found the “flight + hotel” option.
  • “Flexible dates” option is difficult to find: 3/3 users didn’t find the feature.
  • Sense of insecurity: 2/3 users said that the web inspired them insecurity. I quote one of them “It looks like a draft, like it’s not finished”. Other 2/3 personas doubted if that was the correct Kayak app.
  • Ads: 2/3 were confused about the Ads; they found them annoying.
  • Filtering by airport shuttle: only shows one hotel option while there are in fact much more.
  • Confirmation button: when hiring the airport shuttle in the last step, 2/3 interviewees didn’t encounter easily the button to complete the purchase.

After summarizing the findings, I decided to improve the first three pain points (hopefully leading to change the 4th point: sense of insecurity), to enhance the user experience:

  • The title is too long or complex
  • “Flight + hotel” option is difficult to find
  • “Flexible dates” option is difficult to find

All three can be found in the home landing page which looks like this:

Kayak landing page

In order to redesign and improve this pain points, I decided to change some elements of the home page. There is content that leads to the same page (e.g.: Rutas and Explore), so I decided to clean it a bit. I highlighted the booking area and added an image related to the selected field, enlarged the size of the title and made the copy shorter. I also enlarged the logo and added a few details.

Here is a lo-fi wireframe reflecting the suggested changes:

Kayak lo-fi wireframe — changes

After doing the lo-fi wireframes I decided to see if the changes made any sense, so I designed a mid/hi-fi wireframe of the landing page and the “Vuelo + Hotel” page and asked the same users what they would do.

Of course it was not the same as they were conditioned by the previous interview, but 3/3 realized immediately that they were in a car rental page and changed it to “Vuelo+Hotel”.

As soon as they landed on the “Vuelo + Hotel” page, they all knew exactly what to do, except for 1 user who didn’t select the “flexible dates” option. They all agreed that this time -even if it was just a wireframe- everything was clearer, easier and thrustworthy.

Although challenging, I am glad to haave chosen the “elder couple” target audience. I really empathized with them and I realized how complex it can be to buy a ticket online even if they are used to, and how their logic within the website is different from mine.

Please leave me your thoughts to help me improve ❤

Thank you,


